

  • Erlonat


  • Natco Pharma Limited


  • Lung Cancer / Pancreatic Cancer
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Generic Tarceva (erlotinib): A Targeted Therapy Against Cancer's Progression Tarceva, also known by its generic name erlotinib, stands as a pivotal cancer medication, specifically targeting non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic). Its mechanism of action lies in interfering with the growth of cancer cells, effectively slowing their spread within the body. Erlotinib's introduction into the treatment landscape often occurs after other cancer medications have been attempted with limited success. This strategic approach highlights the drug's role as a second-line therapy, offering hope to patients who have not responded adequately to initial treatments. Available in tablet form, Tarceva's administration typically involves taking one 150 mg tablet daily, ideally on an empty stomach at least one hour before or two hours after a meal. This precise timing ensures optimal absorption of the drug into the bloodstream, maximizing its therapeutic effects. As with any medication, Tarceva comes with the potential for side effects. The most common side effects associated with Tarceva include diarrhea, skin rash, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, mouth sores, and dry skin. While these side effects can be bothersome, they are generally manageable, and their severity tends to decrease over time. If any side effects become severe or persistent, patients are advised to consult their healthcare provider promptly. Additionally, it's crucial for individuals taking Tarceva to inform their healthcare team about any other medications or supplements they are using to avoid potential interactions that could compromise the drug's effectiveness or increase the risk of side effects. Erlotinib's role as a targeted therapy has revolutionized the treatment of certain cancers. Its ability to impede cancer cell growth and spread has provided new hope for patients battling advanced stages of the disease. While it may not be the first line of defense, Tarceva remains a powerful tool in the fight against cancer, offering a lifeline to those who need it most. more
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30 tablets
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$ 33.33
$ 999.95 $ 33.33 Per tablet


  • Erlonat


  • Natco Pharma Limited


  • Lung Cancer / Pancreatic Cancer

Erlotinib Tablets: Effective Cancer Treatment with Expert Guidance and Secure Purchase Options

What is Erlotinib?

Erlotinib is a potent cancer medicine that targets and inhibits the growth of cancer cells, slowing their spread within the body. Primarily used to treat non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer that has metastasized to other body parts, Erlotinib is often administered after other cancer treatments have proven unsuccessful.

Erlotinib: Usage and Precautions

To ensure safe and effective use of Erlotinib, there are several important considerations for patients:

Conditions to Disclose to Your Healthcare Provider:

  • Any allergies, particularly to Erlotinib.

  • Existing lung or breathing issues (excluding lung cancer).

  • Kidney or liver diseases.

  • History of stomach bleeding.

  • Eye problems.

  • Dehydration.

  • Smoking habits.

  • Concomitant use of warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven).

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

  • Erlotinib is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy due to potential harm to the unborn child.

  • Effective birth control is essential throughout treatment and for at least two weeks after treatment cessation.

  • Breastfeeding should be avoided while taking Erlotinib due to potential adverse effects on the nursing infant.

Dosage and Administration:

  • Adhere strictly to the prescribed dosage and frequency outlined on your prescription label.

  • Avoid adjusting the dosage or duration of treatment without consulting your healthcare provider.

  • Take Erlotinib on an empty stomach, at least one hour before or two hours after meals.

  • Regular medical tests are essential to monitor the effectiveness and safety of the treatment.

  • Your cancer treatment plan may be adjusted based on these test results.

Potential Drug Interactions:

Erlotinib can interact with various medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter remedies, vitamins, and herbal products. To avoid potential complications, it's crucial to inform your doctor about all medications you are currently taking, including any changes during treatment. Provide a comprehensive list of all medications to all healthcare providers involved in your care.

Precautions During Treatment:

  • Avoid taking antacids within a few hours of Erlotinib administration.

  • Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using other stomach medications like cimetidine (Tagamet) or ranitidine (Zantac).

  • Minimize exposure to sunlight and tanning beds to prevent skin irritation.

  • Use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and protective clothing when outdoors.

  • Avoid skin products that may cause dryness or irritation.

  • Quit smoking to enhance the effectiveness of Erlotinib.

  • Refrain from consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice, as they can interact with Erlotinib and cause side effects.

  • Avoid herbal supplements containing St. John's wort during Erlotinib treatment.

  • Body fluids (urine, feces, vomit) of patients taking Erlotinib may pose a potential risk. Caregivers should wear protective gloves when handling these fluids, contaminated waste, laundry, or diapers.

  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after removing gloves. Wash soiled clothing and linens separately.

Possible Side Effects:

Seek Emergency Medical Attention if You Experience:

  • Signs of an allergic reaction: hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat.

  • Sudden chest pain or discomfort, wheezing, dry cough, shortness of breath.

  • Severe stomach pain, fever, chills, coughing up blood.

  • Severe ongoing nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

  • Eye pain or irritation, vision problems.

  • Heart attack symptoms: chest pain or pressure, pain spreading to the jaw or shoulder, nausea, sweating.

  • Signs of a stroke: sudden numbness or weakness (especially on one side of the body), sudden severe headache, slurred speech, problems with vision or balance.

  • Kidney or liver problems: little or no urinating; swelling, rapid weight gain (especially in the face and midsection); confusion, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, or jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).

  • Severe skin reaction: fever, sore throat, swelling in the face or tongue, burning in the eyes, skin pain, followed by a red or purple skin rash that spreads (especially in the face or upper body) and causes blistering and peeling.

Common Side Effects May Include:

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite.

  • Dry eyes.

  • Cough, trouble breathing.

  • Rash.

  • Weakness, tired feeling.

Storage Instructions:

Store Erlotinib tablets at room temperature, away from moisture and heat.

Purchase Erlotinib Safely and Conveniently:

24Med Online Pharmacy is committed to providing safe and secure access to Erlotinib and other essential medications. We partner with reputable manufacturers to ensure the authenticity and quality of our products. Our online platform offers a convenient and discreet way to purchase Erlotinib, with various payment options including cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) and credit card. Trust 24Med for reliable and secure online pharmacy services.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Erlotinib:

What is the recommended dosage of Erlotinib?
The dosage of Erlotinib is determined by your doctor based on your individual needs and medical condition.
How long does it take for Erlotinib to start working?
The onset of Erlotinib's effects can vary among individuals. Discuss the expected timeline with your doctor.
What are the potential side effects of Erlotinib?
Erlotinib may cause side effects, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, and weakness. Consult your healthcare provider for a comprehensive list of potential side effects.
Can Erlotinib be taken with other medications?
Certain medications may interact with Erlotinib. Inform your doctor about all medications you are taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter remedies, vitamins, and herbal products.
Where can I buy Erlotinib online safely?
24Med Online Pharmacy offers safe and secure purchase of Erlotinib. Our partnership with reliable manufacturers guarantees the authenticity and quality of our products. We accept various payment methods, including cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) and credit card.


Erlotinib has been a lifesaver for me. I've been battling lung cancer for years, and this medication has helped me manage my symptoms and improve my quality of life. I'm grateful for the positive impact it's had on my health.
I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and my doctor prescribed Erlotinib. I was hesitant at first because of the potential side effects, but I'm glad I gave it a try. The medication has been effective in controlling my cancer growth and alleviating my pain. I'm grateful for the positive changes it has brought to my life.
Erlotinib has been a game-changer in my fight against non-small cell lung cancer. I've experienced significant improvement in my breathing and overall well-being. The side effects have been manageable, and I'm grateful for the positive impact this medication has had on my life.